Blanco de Titanio

For 16 prepared guitars and surround electronics.

BLANCO DE TITANIO is part of a series of three pieces exploring the metaphoric nuances of color and sound.

A set of 16 prepared guitars were divided in 4 groups of four and manipulated by four performers. The guitars were mounted horizontally on individual custom made stands. The electronic part was originally composed for four channels out of recordings of these instruments.

A stereo version of the piece was released in the CD Intervenciones 99/00 (BAU Records 2002).

Excerpt: Blanco de Titanio_frag


Performers: Richard Arce, Pablo Ziccarello, Nahuel Ruscio, Nicolás Varchausky.

Premiered at Festival del Rojas II, C.C.R.Rojas on October 24th, 1999.